Thursday, July 31, 2008

Meet Suzi

When Suzi's caretaker unexpectedly past away, no one knew how to care for this sweet little mule. Her past had been a painful as she had gotten out of her enclosure and had been hit by a car. You will notice the large knob on her left from knee (see pic above). She is a little shy, but each day she shows a little more confidence and a little more trust. We hope she will soon find a sponsor (forms are on the website: and/or someone to come visit with her every now and again.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Lilly

Another blooming pretty!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Babes

It might have taken awhile to get here, but summer is here and the tree swallow chicks have something to yell about!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Clematis in bloom! Is spring is here?

Finally, it seem like we might get a spring...though it's officially summer. The veggie garden in is; most of the flower beds are in; and so are the potted plants on the deck, but the raspberries still need some attention and some other areas too!. As we had to wait for spring/summer, I guess they'll just have to be patient too!

Chevy, the Cheviot, finds new home.

Chevy was listed on Craig's List as "free for slaughter". With the physical and financial help of several people, Chevy now lives at the sanctuary. This picture was taken after his annual hair cut...shearing! He is a real people and my dog, Booker.